Lambs go Wild

Here’s a rundown on how the lambs are doing.
Born on 3/1, Summer and Morty are fat, sassy little brats.  No longer timid newborns, they bounce around the barn and annoy all of the pregnant ewes.   They are also milk-seeking guided missiles, trying to sneak a sip of milk from any ewe standing still.   They are healthy, happy, living-testaments to hybrid vigor.  Bobolink is a fabulous and attentive mother.
Little Moose gave us Sue Perkins and Gordon Ram-sey on 3/6.  Little Moose had Gordon first.  It was cold out, so I toweled him off straightaway.  She seemed alarmed and annoyed by his presence.  I was concerned that my assistance had put her off mothering, so when she had a second lamb, Matt and I decided to leave them be.  Little Moose lay there, lamb behind her, and lay, and lay, and didn’t turn around or look at her lamb.  Nothing.  I tried to milk her so that we could bottle-feed the lambs, but nothing let down.  If we were prepared with a headgate, we could have imprisoned Little Moose until she decided that being a mother was better than being in jail.   Without a headgate, we set Little Moose free and pulled out our supply of emergency colostrum.  The lambs are growing well, though the feeding every four hours is very wearing on Matt and I.  Matt has been so kind as to always do the 2am duty.  He’s a hero in my eyes.

Little Moose’s bottle lambs, Sue Perkins and Gordon Ram-sey

Dalek had her lambs on 3/10.  Her girls, Dame Judi Densch and Dame Maggie Smith, are GIGANTIC monster lambs, at least 15 lbs each.  Judi, the black ewe, was a little dopey at first, but both got the hang of nursing on Day 1 and are now happily roaming the barn.  So excited that the BFL ewe lamb count is at three already with more registered ewes yet to lamb.
Then, this morning, Peggy went in to labor.  We had a false alarm earlier this week regarding Peggy, and I’ve been worried about her since the fall as she is so old now.  Lately, she’s become too thin.  I’ll write a bit more about how I’m intending to help Peggy later.
Bobolink’s newborns

Summer is full of beans

Family portrait with Dalek

Dalek’s babies staying warm


Published by cloverworks

A Vermont Sheep Farm and Homestead specializing Purebred, Registered Bluefaced Leicester and Border Leicester sheep, in fine yarn and pasture-raised lamb.

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